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The Death Planning Workbook You Need: 7 Tools for Making Sense of Life & Death (Print Workbook)

The End of Life Planning Workbook You Need

Wake up before your time’s up! This 52-page, life-and-death-planning workbook helps you base all your planning on your values and priorities and lays the groundwork for you to be as prepared as possible for your someday, one-day inevitable death. Whether you have days or decades to live, exploring the reality of your mortality will deliver peace of mind, clarity of intention and inspire you to live your best life now. 

Topics Covered In Willow’s Death Planning Workbook

  1. When and how to plan
  2. End-of-life planning priorities
  3. Your core values and how they impact your living and your dying
  4. Hopes and fears around your inevitable death
  5. Learning from the past, who and what matter most
  6. Health and personal-care priorities
  7. Final wishes and how to move forward

Note: if you’d like to order more than 1 copy, or to order from outside the available countries, please contact us for discount prices on bulk orders, and to facilitate the best shipping methods for your order. Thank you!

This material is for personal use only with the exception of Licensed Willow EOL Educators®. Copyright 2024 Willow End of Life Education and Planning. All trademarks belong to Willow End of Life Education and Planning. Used under License.