Meet with Reena

Change the way you live and die. 

Allow Willow to guide you with heart-centered end-of-life planning.
Become a Willow Educator for as little as $158/month

What people say about Willow EOL Workshops®:

Jason McCaw

Financial & Insurance Advisor

The information, techniques, and tools the Willow Educator shared with our group left me feeling empowered to take on the many difficult conversations that I have been dreading. 

Brittany Borean

Bereavement Services Coordinator

Having a Willow Workshops  within our Hospice Society has allowed us to bring conversations about death, dying and grief into our communities. Willow provides us a greater reach beyond those near end-of-life and their grieving loved ones, because it creates opportunities to engage people of all ages and stages in thoughtful conversations around their own mortality. 

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