Today is My Birthday
Jul 29, 2024What do you make of big birthdays?
Are you excited about the wisdom and life experience you've gathered as you get older, or do you worry about what's still on your bucket list as another decade is behind you? If I'm to be completely honest, it’s a bit of both for me.
Some of the wisdom I’ve gathered over the years:
Seek joy wherever you can. If you find yourself sweating the small stuff, get over it as fast as you can.
Happiness always comes from within.
Be grateful for all that you have. Seek out the light in the darkness.
Keep an open heart and give people the benefit of the doubt.
A few things on my bucket list:
Empower and equip thousands of heart-centered end-of-life educators to help people live with intention and purpose and die graciously.
Fall madly in love with someone.
Spend some months in Sicily as a digital nomad.
Write a book.
What about you? What do you make of big birthdays?