Love is the Answer: Part 1
Jan 12, 2021In these tumultuous and tiring days of disruption and disorder, the sources we turn to for wisdom and nourishment talk an awful lot about love.
Love is always the answer.
Love holds us tenderly as we wrestle with our fear and self-doubt.
Love dissolves the loathing that leads us to taste hate on our tongues.
Love pushes us into wells of sorrow that lead to healing.
Love nourishes our hopes for a future grounded in mutual care for one another and our planet.
Love fortifies us for the work that can and must be done.
Unmask your mortality and you will unleash a torrent of love.
Regardless of what you think happens after you die, here and now we’re all mortal beings with finite time on this planet. Someday, one day, and you don’t know when, the people you hold near and dear are going to die. And you are going to die. What does that mean to you? What’s the point—the purpose—the meaning of it all?
Accepting what is so, enables us to manifest the change we seek.
After a year like no other, we enter 2022 with absolute clarity that we can only manifest the change we seek—change on every level—if we acknowledge what is. Only when we accept where we’re at as individuals, as part of intimate circles of friends and family, as members of communities, and as a global citizenry can we reconcile and collaborate to create a radically different society.
How do you make sense of life and death?
If love is the answer, “how do you make sense of life and death?” is the question.
All our love,
Michelle + Reena
What about you?
How do you make sense of life and death?
How is love the answer to your questions?