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7 Signs of a Death-Denying Culture: What ChatGPT turned up!

death denial death educator death literacy end-of-life educator making sense of life & death peace with death willow workshops May 01, 2023

I gave it a go. I tried ChatGPT and typed “Signs of a death-denying culture” Here is what it spit back in a matter of seconds.

“A death-denying culture is one that is reluctant to acknowledge the reality of death and tends to avoid discussing it. Here are some signs of a death-denying culture:

  1. Lack of open discussions about death: In a death-denying culture, people avoid talking about death or pretend that it doesn't exist. They may use euphemisms or other indirect language to refer to death.
  2. Overemphasis on youth and beauty: A culture that values youth and beauty above all else is often death-denying. This is because aging and death are seen as undesirable and something to be avoided.
  3. Medicalization of death: In a death-denying culture, death is often seen as a medical problem that can be solved or cured. This leads to a focus on prolonging life at all costs, even if it means sacrificing quality of life.
  4. Fear of aging: A culture that fears aging is often death-denying. This is because aging is seen as a reminder of mortality, and something to be avoided or hidden.
  5. Obsession with immortality: A culture that is obsessed with immortality, whether through technology or other means, is often death-denying. This is because it implies a refusal to accept the inevitability of death.
  6. Lack of rituals or ceremonies around death: A culture that lacks meaningful rituals or ceremonies around death is often death-denying. This can lead to a sense of isolation and disconnection when dealing with death.
  7. Discomfort with grief and mourning: A culture that is uncomfortable with grief and mourning is often death-denying. This can lead to a lack of support for those who are grieving and make it difficult to process emotions around death.”

Wow, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Willow was founded to bust the taboo of death, aging, and illness and help people explore the reality of their mortality in a heart-centered and inquiry-based way.

To celebrate two years since we created the licensing program called the Willow EOL Educator® Program, we’re offering $200 off registration fees until the end of May 2023. If you're passionate about helping transform society from one that is in death-denial to one that is death-literate, check out the Willow EOL Educator® Program now!

*ChatGPT is a artificial-intelligence software application designed to mimic human-like conversation based on user prompts.​​